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The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God?
by Timothy Freke, Peter Gandy
Binding: Paperback
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Results The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God?
The Jesus Mysteries Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God The Jesus Mysteries Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God Timothy Freke Peter Gandy on FREE shipping on qualifying offers “Whether you conclude that this book is the most alarming heresy of the millennium or the mother of all revelations The Jesus Mysteries Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God Belief in the Jesus story was originally the first step in Christian spirituality – the Outer Mysteries Like the myths of the Pagan Mysteries the Jesus story was a mystical code designed to be explained by an enlightened teacher when the seeker was spiritually ripe The Jesus Mysteries Wikipedia The Jesus Mysteries According to The Jesus Mysteries Christianity originated as a Judaized version of the pagan mystery religions Hellenized Jews wrote a version of the godman myth incorporating Jewish elements Initiates learned the myth and its allegorical meanings through the Outer and Inner Mysteries The Jesus Mysteries Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God In The Jesus Mysteries Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy not only document the onceprevalent belief in these ancient Mangods but link them directly to the Gnostic Gospels and Jesus of Nazareth who—according to the authors—was merely a mythical Jewish adaptation from the Pagan Mangod “Mysteries” religion of Rome The Jesus Mysteries Was the “Original Jesus” a Pagan God The fact that no single pagan myth completely parallels the Jesus story however is an argument for the uniqueness of the Jesus story not its similarity More importantly including any and all the pagan myths with which to find parallels amounts to stacking the deck in favor of Freke and Gandy’s conclusion it would be odd if similar motifs could not be found with such a number from which to choose The Jesus Mysteries Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God Drawing on the cutting edge of modern scholarship authors Tim Freke and Peter Gandy present overwhelming evidence that the Jesus of the New Testament is a mythical from being eyewitness accounts as is traditionally held the Gospels are actually Jewish adaptations of ancient Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting godman OsirisDionysus